Tag: windows
Windows: Enable network access for local accounts
How to restore access to admin shares for local accounts on modern releases of Windows.
Activating Windows against a KMS license server
A quick guide on how to activate Windows against a KMS server
Converting Windows evalutation to a standard instance
Let’s say, for example, that you downloaded an evaluation of Windows from the Microsoft site, and after evaluating it for a period of time, you decide that you’re satisfied with the product and want to make it a permanent feature in your environment. It might be a pain to have to reinstall a non-evalation copy…
Ghosting LVM disks
When it comes to using Ghost (Symantec Ghost 11.5) to create an image of a device that dual-boots both Windows and Linux, there are some ‘tricks’ that you need to be aware of in order to create an image set that can be distributed to other devices, or at least restored to the original device.…