Insomnia is a collaborative open source API development platform that makes it easy to build high-quality APIs ( It is similar to Postman in which it provides an environment to work with HTTP REST operations.
What I discovered was that when installing the Insomnia package via RPM (, performing REST operations caused the app to crash with a segmentation fault:
14:35:43.546 › Running version 2023.4.0
14:35:43.555 › [electron client protocol] FAILED to set default protocol 'insomnia://'
14:35:43.562 › [electron client protocol] the current executable is not the default protocol for 'insomnia://'
14:35:43.600 › [electron client protocol] the default application set for 'insomnia://' is 'insomnia.desktop
MESA-INTEL: warning: Performance support disabled, consider sysctl dev.i915.perf_stream_paranoid=0
libva error: vaGetDriverNameByIndex() failed with unknown libva error, driver_name = (null)
14:35:43.707 › [fix] Running database repairs
14:35:43.769 › [db] Initialized DB at /home/user/.config/Insomnia/insomnia.$TYPE.db
14:35:43.769 › [db] Init responses DB
14:35:43.769 › [db] Init websocket-responses DB
14:35:43.774 › [localstorage] Initialized at /home/user/.config/Insomnia/localStorage
14:35:43.786 › [main] Loading file:///opt/Insomnia/resources/app.asar/index.html
14:35:43.796 › [updater] Not supported on this platform linux
14:35:45.366 › [main] Window ready, handling command line arguments [ '/opt/Insomnia/insomnia' ]
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
This appears to be a known issue with Insomnia on Fedora ( In a nutshell, the Electron framework that Insomnia is built on has a pre-req of cups-devel
(cups libraries) for everything to function as required. Unfortunately, the build process for the Insomnia RPM package isn’t including the dependency. The following manual steps should help to resolve the issue:
# Remove the current install of Insomnia (if installed)
sudo rpm -e insomnia-2023.4.0-1.x86_64
# Clean up any residual
sudo rm -Rf /opt/Insomnia/
# Use dnf to install the package
sudo dnf install
# Download the cups-libs package for Fedora 36
curl -O
# Extract files from rpm (without installing the package)
rpm2cpio cups-libs-2.4.1-7.fc36.x86_64.rpm | cpio -idmv
# Copy the extracted and into Insomnia's installation folder
sudo cp ./usr/lib64/libcups* /opt/Insomnia/.