How To Find My Public IP Address From Command Line On a Linux
ESXi 6.5 Storage Performance Issues and Fix
Web Server Plugin – Failed to load gsk library (LD_LIBRARY_PATH)
Web Server Plugin – gsk error 408 (GSK_ERROR_BAD_KEYFILE_PASSWORD)
Arduino airconditioner library
Installing Java 9 JDK on CentOS 7
Installing ESXi patches manually – 2
Installing ESXi patches manually
Daikin control through Arduino
VMware Homeserver – ESXi on 7th Gen Intel NUC (Kaby Lake)
Intel NUC 7th Gen (Kaby Lake) & ESXi 6.x
Simply Modbus protocol reference and software
Arduino Modbus master library documentation
RS485 communication with Arduino
How to Install and Secure the Mosquitto MQTT Messaging Broker
Exploring the BigFix database (and API)
DIII-NET Communication Gateway
Daikin Modbus interface DIII Design guide
IBM – Getting started with MQTT clients
How to Subscribe a Bash Script as a MQTT Client
Explore MQTT and the Internet of Things service on IBM Bluemix
Sparkfun: How to power a project
Arduino charlieplexing example with timer interrupt
Arduino Charlieplexing example
Arduino board as an ATTiny programmer
How to turn an Arduino based proof of concept into a final prototype
Arduino 101: Timers and interrupts
Commute travel time LED indicator
WiFi Controlled LED Christmahanukwanzaa Tree
Adafruit – Multitasking the Arduino Part 2
Adafruit – Multiplexing the Arduino Part 1
Charlieplexing Arduino with PWM
Charlieplexing Arduino with port registers
Use a $1 ATTiny to Drive Addressable RGB LEDs
How to Install an ATtiny Bootloader With Virtual USB
12 LED Charlieplexed Snowfall with AtTiny85
Hacking an LED solar garden light
How to use fault monitors to automatically restart DB2 UDB instances
How to abort an In-Progress file upload
Adafruit information about LEDs
Google Places API – Place types
jQuery Multiple File Upload with Progress bar
Addressable RGB 60-LED Strip, 5V, 2m (WS2812B)
Arduino controlled 1973 LED strip
CodeSeekah PHP file upload progress
Google Maps JavaScript API – Geocoding Service
Google Maps JavaScript API – Controls
Multi file uploads with multiple selects
Multiple files using FileReader
jQuery multiple file upload image preview
Add a Hardware Recovery Button to Start Windows RE
Lenovo USB 2.0 ethernet adapter Vista driver
Lenovo USB 3.0 network adapter driver for WinPE
Transferring photos back using a DCIM approach
Transferring photos to an iPhone
Create MBR boot media (hopefully)
Windows adaptive brightness tuning
Hills Reliance Key-Switch post
Shell script based on file age
Modernizr feature detection – touch events
jQuery keypress
How to Create a Responsive Image Slider in jQuery and CSS3 – Designmodo
Building a carousel from scratch
How to Make a Simple Image Slider With HTML, CSS and jQuery
Create your own jQuery Image Slider – CSS-Plus
How to use MySQL geo spatial types
Creating a Store Locator with PHP, MySQL & Google Maps
MyGeoPosition – funky geo location metadata
Unexpected ESXi shutdown/reboot
Addressable LED lighting strips 2
Addressable LED lighting strips 1
Programming LED strip lighting with an Arduino
Hack a 250gb, 320gb or 500gb Sata harddrive to work in the Xbox 360 and Xbox 360 Slim This tutorial will teach you how to hack a standard Western Digital 2.5″ Sata hard drive so it can be used by the Xbox 360 and Xbox 360 Slim. Normally you can only use Microsoft approved hard drives which are significantly more expensive, costing up to 3x the price of a normal 2.5″ SATA hard drive. This tutorial focuses on hacking a 250gb drive, which was the largest drive possible in 2009 when i created this tutorial, however it is now possible to hack drives of the following sizes: 500gb, 320gb, 250gb, 120gb, 60gb and 20gb. Simply follow this tutorial and download the security sector that matches the size of the hard drive you wish to hack. 500GB security sector added on 04/03/2014 320GB security sector added on 20/09/2011